Vacation Home Check

Please submit the following information to register your residence for a house check while you are away on vacation. You will be contacted by phone to confirm the request. The checks will not begin until we speak to you in person and confirm the information.

Please call upon returning from your trip. This request will expire 1 day after the listed return date. If you should return home prior to that date or will be gone longer than that date you should contact the Department to update the information.

House checks are a courtesy of the Derry Township Police Department and such checks shall be conducted as call volume and manpower permits.  We cannot guarantee that officers will be on premises on a daily basis.  Homeowners should take substantial steps to ensure the security of their home while away.

House checks are only intended for short stay vacations. It does not apply for long term or seasonal relocations.

For the safety of our officers, house checks will not be conducted if walkways and pathways on the property
are not clear of snow and ice.

Contact Info
Home Location
Map Marker

Hint, click the map to add or drag a GPS Marker. Zoom in for a better view.

Vacation Duration
Select the dates and times for when you leave and return.
Home Details
For each vehicle parked outdoors, please add its registration plate state/number, make, model and color in the "Notes" box below.
If somone is checking on your home while you are away, add their information in the "Notes" box below if different than your listed emergency contact person.
Emergency Contact
Enter details for the person who should be contacted in case of any emergency.
Home Summary
Enter additional information such as the make, model and color of vehicles left at home, pets left at home, light timers, alarm systems, visitors, etc.